This completes my third day as a "full-time writer." I'm making progress in my writing but have yet to find my own rhythm. With no distractions except the great New Mexico outdoors, I thought a natural schedule would evolve, between work and breaks (breaks always being walking, hiking or doing something outdoors). I work on my book about ten hours a day, try to walk at least two hours, sleep very soundly about eight hours and mess around for the rest of the time.
As I was driving into Taos I woke up to the fact that the period of creative thinking, background research and making outlines are over. If I'm serious about writing this book I MUST sit here at the computer, hour after #$@$# hour, and transfer the words and concepts from my brain into the computer. There is just no other way to get a book written.
I've set a reasonable schedule for myself -- a chapter a week for eight weeks, and I'll have the first draft complete .
But now the sun is setting on my little patio, and I must go take a look.
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