Vienna sure knows how to appeal to "culturally inclined" tourists, and I suck it all in. The Kartnerstrasse -- a pedestrian only strasse -- has scattered cobblestones dedicated to the famous musicians who made their home in Vienna -- Mozart, Beethoven, Mahler, Brahms, and the list goes on and on. Such a thrill to be walking in the footsteps of these greats. To push this cultural tourism to an extreme, there are young students planted around town who are dressed up like Mozart. They are selling tickets to a Mozart concert in the Weiner Musik Verein, a grand music hall built by Franz Joseph in the late 19th century (as are a great number of other Viennese structures.) I bought us tickets and enjoyed the concert (and the setting) very much, though I think Jonathan thought it was a little too much show and not enough Mozart. Here is a photo of the inside of the Musik Verein.
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